Are Your Ears Burning? A Great Message!

Are your ears burning? I took your book to school and told kids I went to middle school with the author! I have several kids who want to write books! They were/are impressed…so you are inspiring young kids too!!

I just received this message. What a feeling! Thank you Elaine. I wish I could do more!

Blogging Status

Haven’t blogged as much lately because I’m getting so much writing on my next pieces done. I changed my whole writing routine about a month ago, and the words just started pouring out—and when they do, I don’t want to interfere with it.

Vivi and Melinda: my ears are burningI have three writing projects going during the Holidays. I’m in chapter two of a serial that will come out next year—The Artist. You’ll read more about that hopefully in January. I’ve set aside Killing Thoughts for now. I have to rethink the story. And I will be videoing a podcast that will begin in January with Sandy Lawrence.

Everything slowed down because our first grand baby was born. I know you can understand.

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