I’m not twisted!!!

I’m writing the sequel to Murder For Me currently. It’s draft title is Killing Thoughts. When I write, I draft, graft really, the entire novel before I start, but there is something I don’t know. Where the character dies. *
Marilyn and I are traveling to Portugal. I’ll let my wife, Melinda, come along to video-I’m that kind of great husband! We have to find something. *
In my next novel, a character dies in Portugal, or Spain or Morocco. My trip is to find the place. I’ll show you my choices as I find them. Yes-I love writing! *
Come with me as I search through Portugal, Spain, and Morocco for the right place to get away with it. I’ll send pictures of the scenes and how I might figure out how “whoever” gets away with it. *
I might have to show poses of Marilyn. You know how she likes her picture taken in new places! I’m sure she’ll insist. And No, it’s Art, not twisted. Ha! *

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